Tripoli Transportation Economic Master Plan

TTEMP is an architectural design and master planning concept by Solh Design Workshop and Peace Fund Lebanon  (   TTEMP has evolved since late 2006 as a potential incubator for Private Public Partnership in one of the most deprived areas in Lebanon.

Rachid  Karami International Fair

Total construction of new facilities is estimated at $45 to $50 million.  No need for Land Acquisition (Absorption).  For every $5.600 in construction cost, a single permanent job is created.

RKIF footprint (area) is estimated at 663.000 sqm.  Total area of Existing Exhibition Space is estimated at 43.000 sqm (TBU-Total Built Up) with a potential addition of an additional 100.000 sqm of the following services and spaces:

1-High Tech Corridor (Information Technology, Web Design, SME Business to Business Services for MENA, Telecommunications  etc..)  in Tripoli catering to Start Up Companies mainly from Lebanon and abroad.  TBU at 45.000 sqm.  Special Preference is given to North Lebanese Start Up Companies, Lebanese Companies,  Arab Companies and International entities.  Funding for Start Up Lebanese companies by Kafalat and 331 Directive along with a specially funded SME GCC Funding and Equity Financing. 

2-Start Up Companies in other disciplines (Architecture, Design, Consulting, Engineering and Manufacturing etc...)  Kafalat and 331 Directive.  Emphasis on ARC Model (Academic Research Cluster Model).  TBU estimated at 35.000 sqm.

3-Support Facilities (restaurants, retail, lecture and business meeting facilities, commercial banks,  short term office lease  etc....) with TBU at 20.000 sqm.

4-Additional elevated Parking Spaces may be needed at a later juncture along with potential development of Hotel Space (150 keys).

5-Estimated Space of 100.000 sqm should enable creation of 9.000 jobs based on universal estimate of 11 sqm per employee / worker.

Rene Mouawad International Airport


Trade & Enterprise Zones

Executive Synopsis:  RMIA is by far the most single major design project undertaken by Solh Design Workshop LLC.

Potential land absorption of 30 million sqm in Distressed Properties north of RMIA Akkar .  Development of a vehicle to Absorb properties as part of a PPP Mandate (Equity Partnership Mandate).  Total Built Up estimated at 1 million sqm and peaks at 10 million sqm.


Two Airport Terminals, one dedicated fro Cargo Transport and another for Low Discount Airlines - LDA.  Total capacity of 2.5 million (annually) at peak (10 years post construction completion with annual increase of 5%)  with potential extensive use by Syrian Citizens (Tartous, Hums, Hama and Latakia).

Trade Free Zone, GCC Zone, Enterprise Zone, Academic Cluster, Support Facilities, Housing, Health Care, Cargo Hubs, Retail and Hotels are few of the potential uses.

Creation of at least Lebanese 100.000 jobs.  Maximum output at peak around 350.000 jobs (51% Lebanese and 49 % International). 10% of Lebanese Jobs will be dedicated for Security and Protection by Lebanese Army.










































S  D  W
(Solh design Workshop LLC
T  T  E  M  P
(Tripoli Transportation Economic Master Plan
P  F  L
Peace Fund Lebanon
New York, NY USA  
9 1 7 -  8 0 6  - 0 2 1 3 
Beirut  Lebanon                                             
9 6 1 -  7 6 7 5 4 7 6 7